
HubSpot User Group Special: Dashboards, Team-Produktivität und Handlungsempfehlungen!

WAY2slow | Folge 10

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir einen hochkarätigen Speaker verpflichten konnten 🤩 Hannah Carey-Smyth von HubSpot wird uns als Product Expert Einblicke in Dashboard, Reports und Take-Aways geben. Und auf neue Features 🥳

HubSpot ist ein Tool, das CRM, Marketing Automation und Support miteinander vereint. Umso wichtiger ist eine zuverlässige Überprüfung, ob Prozesse ineinander greifen, KPIs erreicht und korrekte Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet werden.

Einer der wichtigsten Argumente ist nicht zuletzt, die Automatisierung von manuellen Prozessen. Für Head of Sales, Marketing oder Entscheider ist deshalb vorrangig von Interesse, dass Abläufe effizienter gestaltet werden und bei gleichem Input mehr Umsatz und Gewinn erzielt wird.

In dieser HubSpot User Group zeigen wir dir, wie du mit HubSpot und seinen Reporting-Möglichkeiten sicher stellst, dass dein Team produktiv mit HubSpot arbeitet, die entscheidenden Zahlen optimiert und daraus gewinnbringende Take Aways ableitet.


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Transcript Folge 10 | Dashboards, Team-Produktivität und Handlungsempfehlungen


Sebastian: Ihr hört das, ihr Deutsch ist perfekt. Aber es ist ihre erste Präsentation, deshalb wird sie sie in ihrer Muttersprache halten. Ich denke ihr habt kein Problem damit. Wir nehmen es auf und transkribieren es. Also Hannah, the stage is yours.

Hannah: Yeah. Thanks. It’s nice to see you all here. This is my first time in combs. My first time doing a hug. So please be nice to you. Don’t ask me any difficult questions but I’ll do my best. So yeah to introduce myself. Like I said I’ve been to HubSpot for four years and I initially started on the customer support team. So, if you’ve been using HubSpot for a long time it’s possible that I once helped you with a problem. I’m now working on the product expert team. What we do is we we were kind of between the support team and the product team so the support team escalates like bugs and technical issues to us and we kind of work on a solution and we also do a lot of data analysis on our support ticket so try to see what’s driving the volume and stuff and then use that to try and make product decisions. I work with the data analysis product group, so they own the reporting and analytics tools as well as ads and social media. I was previously working with the mobile ops team and now just recently moved to this. So, I should be able to answer most technical questions you have about reporting. For strategy and stuff, I think Sebastian’s probably still going to be the best person but I’ll do my best if that’s what you have. Yeah I’m from Ireland originally live in Berlin now for two years. So, I mean you’ve already introduced yourself so we can skip this here. Mostly HubSpot users. Yeah. So, what I want to talk about today is kind of two things. So rather than just tell you like what reports specifically to run an HubSpot kind of talk a little bit about how to think about reporting and like some HubSpot. In HubSpot we use the inbound methodology and we kind of want to go through each stage of the customer’s journey and talk about how to think about reporting at each stage. Like what questions do we want to ask. And then we’ll talk a little bit about some of the specific reports that you can run. So HubSpot has a lot of built in reports that you get straight away when you sign up or you go into the report library. You can also build custom reports and we’ll touch on that a little bit today as well. And there’s also a pretty big uptake that we just announced last week. Some of you may have heard of it but I’m gonna go through that in detail as well. So how to think about reporting.

So, at HubSpot you’re probably familiar with this. If you’re HubSpot user. At HubSpot we think of everything in terms of the flywheel. So, the flywheel is just the way we think about the customer journey. And the reason that we started using the flywheel as opposed to our previous way that we looked at things is because the way customers work with us has changed right. We’ve done some surveys and some research. And what we’ve seen is that customers these days they trust other customers far more than they trust sales or marketing people right. And some of you might have experienced that yourself I know. I personally if I’m trying to find a restaurant to visit for example, I’m far more likely to listen to recommendations from friends or read google reviews for example rather than read the restaurant’s website that says they’re great. You know you trust other people like you who are using it for the same reasons. So even though we were aware that the way customers interacted with us changed we haven’t really changed a lot about how we deal with that information. We were still using the funnel process before which kind of treats customers as an output. You know you send them through marketing you send them through sales and then at the end you get a customer and that’s kind of where it ends. So, we’ve decided to move on from the funnel and we now use the flywheel. From the flywheel that puts customer is right at the centre of your business. And it also treats it as a cycle. So, the point is that it’s no longer you get customers in through marketing through sales and then you get a customer at the end. It’s an ongoing cycle. We want to use our customers as well to drive more business by having the word of my referrals and having them review us and things like that. The point of the flywheel is so… It corresponds with the three main HubSpot Hubs as well as marketing sales and service and then customers with the CRM is right in the middle of it all. It also corresponds to the new way we think about the inbound methodology.

So we think about attracting new business and engaging that business and then delighting them so that they go on and spread the word to other people and then The wheel keeps spinning, like that. So, it’s basic physics the way we think of it. You apply force which has it spinning faster and that grows your business quicker. And if you apply friction then it slows it down and your growth doesn’t go as quickly. So, the two those are the kind of two things that we want to look at him with mobile report. That is what you’re looking at and you’re trying to look at things that are going well that you can continue with and you’re trying to look at things that are slowing you down so that you can address those and make the right decisions based on it. So, this is an example of without the text. This is a report that our marketing team at HubSpot gets pretty much every month we look at the reporting flywheel and we have the force and friction for each section. So, we give them each month we have a few examples of elements of force. So, things that have been going well in the past month. And elements of friction that are slowing us down and then we work together across all different teams to try and lean into those force aspects and like increase what we’re doing there and also to put a stop on the friction aspects. And these are three reports that we’re going to talk through today and obviously every business is slightly different and you’re gonna have to. Well every business very different. But there are reports that you’re going to have to do are going to be slightly different and depend on your needs. But these are three reports that we think are pretty relevant to most businesses using HubSpot especially if you’re following the Inbound methodology and it lets you look at force and friction at each stage of the buyer journey. So today I’m going to go through a specific HubSpot customer or a real HubSpot customer and we’re going to use them as an example as they go through each stage of the flywheel. We’re going to look at those reports for them and then see what takeaways we can take from that see what are the elements of force and what are the elements of friction. So, the three reports are run then, are traffic analytics for the attract stage.


Traffic analytics in HubSpot


Traffic analytics. Some of you if you’ve been using HubSpot for a while we used to call this sources report. It’s one of the original reports that we had in HubSpot. So, some of you might be familiar with it. It basically tells you where traffic to your website is coming from. So, this is the customer that we’re gonna use today. This is an actual real HubSpot customer it’s A3C. They’re a music festival and like tech conference based in Atlanta in Georgia in the US. And they use HubSpot for pretty much everything they host their website and Hubspot and they do all their sales and marketing through HubSpot they do their service Hub as well as they do all of their customer service through HubSpot. So, they’re a pretty good example for us to look at each stage. A brief introduction to what to look for in traffic analytics. This is generally the checklist that HubSpot consultants look at when they initially go into an HubSpot account or if one of our consultancies lead are running an audit. These are what they look at in traffic analytics. So, the source of the traffic, the quality of the traffic and the differences across slices and I’ll explain what I mean by each of those. This is firstly where you find it just to make sure we’re all on the same page. It’s in the „reports“ drop down in the navigation and then „analytics tools“ and it’s just here. If you use it in German it’s like “Berichte” and then “analytics tools”, still. And then it’s the one here in the top left. So that’s what that’s been looks like. And if you go into it you might see something like this. So, looking at this for A3C we can see their traffic over time and we can see it broken down by source aso, well. And so, with A3C this is what it looks like. Does anyone have any like observation on this. Get some audience participation. What. What’s the first thing you notice when you look at this word. A hint is think about when you think their festival might take place. So, their traffic is very seasonal. All right the first thing you see when you look at that is that it’s very seasonal. They have in September their festival is in October. Since September October every year they get a lot more traffic to the site because obviously people are checking out the line-up and they’re buying tickets and things like that. So, there’s a lot of opportunity to build traffic over the rest of the year. You know maybe they can share content from the previous year’s, share videos of performances and things like that. That’s the first thing that you would notice there. Another thing is when you look at how these are broken down by colour. So, the blue is direct traffic. But the biggest chunk other than that is organic search. So, if we look at organic search it’s up year over year which is great. Right. Obviously, any marketer wants to see is that it’s up year over year. But we can go a little bit further and look break down the sources further. So, if we look at social media. One thing that you notice there is the traffic is also really high with social media right. So that’s maybe an area of force that they would want to lean into. Paid search is particularly interesting because while the traffic isn’t as high the conversion rate is quite high. Right. So that is something else that they would want to lean into and see if they can drive more traffic via paid search because they can see that they’re converting. You can also go down by social platform and you can see more details so we can see that Facebook is driving the most amount of traffic. But Instagram converts a bit higher. Right. So maybe Instagram is something that they want to lean into a bit more. LinkedIn is one that I called out here as well because the LinkedIn traffic is relatively low compared to the other platforms, but it also created 11 contacts. So maybe LinkedIn is something that they can lean into. It’s not necessarily the most obvious platform when you’re trying to market a music festival. But you know maybe they can share some like hot leadership. They also have talks at the festival so maybe they can share some content from those. So just from looking at these numbers you kind of immediately have some takeaways just from seeing what is already going well and seeing where the forces. This one is really interesting and actually we find that like a lot of people in HubSpot don’t use this often enough. This is the referrals page so some of these are obvious for a music festival. We have Ticketmaster and bands in town. Obviously, it’s a music festival so you would expect music ticketing websites to send a lot of traffic. But the two things that I’ve liked here are Explore Georgia and Atlanta.net so there are two local sites, based in Atlanta. So what this tells us is that people locally in Atlanta are engaging with the content on their local media so maybe an action item here is for them to work with more local media or local newspapers, local blogging sites and stuff like that to get traffic in that way. And another thing. But we often don’t see people use a lot is that you can actually overlay a website metric over this traffic. So here we’re looking at the same Web site traffic port, the traffic report that we looked at before. But we can also see the bounce rate over time. So, the Bounce rate is the percentage of people who arrive on the Web site and then leave without, you know after view just one page. So, they leave without spending a lot of time there. And so that’s pretty interesting we can see that it kind of aligns with it. But if you dig down a little further and look at this specifically for their home page. While their traffic increased, we can also see a huge spike in their bounce rate here. And unusually you can expect some fluctuation in bounce rate right, but this is a pretty big spike. So, it’s something you might want to look at. You can’t see it on the report here but from working with A3C, we know that they had a Web site redesign at this time. So, this is their home page bounce rate and it corresponds exactly with when they redesigned their home page. Right. So that’s obviously something that’s gonna be slightly concerning. And this is what the redesign looked like. So, we can see before even though it looks nicer and cleaner now before the navigation was a lot easier. You arrived on the Web site you could immediately see those buttons and you could get to where you wanted to go. And what they saw it was like when they changed as people were arriving on the Web site. They obviously didn’t know where to go or didn’t know what to click through. And so, they were just leaving. So, a very clear action item here is to make sure that that navigation is just as clear as it was before.  And that’s something you can see just from looking at that spike in the bounce rate.  Just another tip before we move on from the traffics analytics. Is you can you can create an analytics view to look at a subsection of your traffic so you can break it down. In this example it shows blog. You can break it down by domain or sub domain so you can do blog. or info. You can do it by directory. So, for a music festival that may be for example line up or at the ticket pricing page or something like that and you can also do it for country. So that’s not going to be too relevant for these guys. But like if any of you are operating in other countries maybe you want to see specifically how your French Market traffic was doing over a given time period or your Italian Market for example. And you can break it down that way because looking at it overall gives you an idea. But if you’ve made a lot of changes in a specific area then it might be more useful to break it down that way. So, a summary of what we look at in traffic analytics is the source of the traffic where are they coming from and the quality. So even if a lot of traffic is coming into your site but they’re leaving immediately is that good traffic? And also, the variance when you break it down into groups. And so, then that gives us action items for A3C. Right. So, we have the two points of force which are organic traffic to the blog and then Facebook on a local traffic. Those are two things that we know do well so we should lean into and add to our efforts there. And then force of friction was the bounce rate. Right. So, we know that we had an issue with people arriving on the website and then leaving which corresponded with the redesign. So maybe we need to tweak the redesign a little bit. Does anyone have questions on traffic analytics specifically before we move on.


Attribution reports in HubSpot


So, the next stage then once you get them to the website is to engage them. Right. I’m for this we look at attribution reports. And the way we explain attribution reports is it’s like a game of football. All right. In football the goal is to score a goal. The aim is to score a goal is to get the ball into the back of the net. Right. That’s the end goal it’s like in business. What you want to do is close the deal. But there’s more to look at than just the ball getting into it. Right so each one of these plays is important. If one of these passes doesn’t happen then the ball doesn’t get to the striker and it doesn’t get into the goal. So, you don’t want to just look at who is scoring the goal. You also want to look at how the ball got to them right. So, you need to look at the people who are doing the most assists and these are I did have to google the top goal scorer for FC Köln. But the point stands, and you need to look at who’s also getting the ball to the right it’s not it’s not just the goal scorer that’s scoring these goals it’s the rest of the team that’s getting it up there. And you can make a business in a similar way right. We often tend to look at deals closed and deal revenue in terms of the sales team bringing that in. And the sales team is obviously very important. They’re closing the deal. But we can also look at each of these touch points that a customer has along the way. Like how they are getting to the sales team. The sales team can’t close a deal unless those leads come in. So that’s why we announce attribution reporting last week at our INBOUND conference. And the point of attribution reporting is to look at each of those touch points along the way and see how those leads get from being a total stranger through to getting to the sales team and closing a deal. And we’ll look at that a little bit in terms of A3C. Right. So, for this example I’m going to use an A3C customer right. This is Bethany. She’s from Atlanta. She’s a local. She’s a big music fan. She’s like the perfect ideal prospect for A3C. And she’s taken a few weeks off in October. So, she’s googling things to do in Georgia in October. Right. And she finds this first results from explore-Georgia.org which is a Georgia fall bucket list. So, she clicks into this. She reads through, she sees the link to A3C. She clicks through the their website and she has a look around. Right this is the first time she comes in contact with A3C. A few days later she’s on Facebook and she comes across a paid ad for A3C. She clicks in again she sees they’ve announced some of the line-up. A lot of artists that she really likes are playing. So, she’s kind of interested. She signs up for the newsletter and she follows them on Twitter as well right because she wants to stay in contact and stay up to date. So that’s when we create her as a lead within HubSpot. She then, say a few days later, she sees a tweet. Right. They’ve tweeted that the line-up has been announced. She goes in, she sees that she’s pretty interesting everyone playing, so she signs up to receive a notification when tickets go on sale. Right she says I want to. I want to get a ticket for this. Let me know when they’re on sale. So that’s when we create a deal and then say a few days later she still follows them on Twitter. They’ve tweeted a few blog posts in the meantime. She clicks into one of those and she reads it but takes no other actions. Then a week later she gets an email. A Marketing e-mail saying tickets are on sale. She clicks through. She buys this general admission ticket for four hundred dollars. She buys two. One for her and one for her friend. And this is when we close the deal. Right. This is when this deal is closed, won, she’s become a customer. So, this is the total revenue that she brought in. Right she bought two tickets for four hundred dollars each. That’s eight hundred dollars. And her Buyer Journey had these important touch points right. It wasn’t just that last time when she visited and bought the ticket. All of these elements were important in getting her to be a customer. So it was that first touch when she Googled it. And there was the Facebook ad that created her as a lead. There was a tweet where she created the deal and then the e-mail that closed as one. And then there was also the blog post you reviewed along the way. Right. So that wasn’t necessarily one of the four main touch points that we look at, but it still was an element in getting her from a complete stranger to buying a ticket. So, what attribution hoarding tries to do is assign a percentage value to each of these touch points. And so, it’s a way of saying for example that first paid Facebook ad that she viewed that was worth X amount of revenue to us. That was worth X percentage of the overall money that she brought in. And there a few different ways that you can do attribution reporting or a few different models. There are far more than this. These are just some of the more common ones. Some of you might be familiar with them using like other reporting software. I’m just gonna go through two of them now. We are still fleshing out the attribution reporting in HubSpot so we will be adding more models. But for now I’ll just look at two of the more popular ones. And the way you choose what model to look at is by deciding what question you want to answer. So, one question that you might want to answer here is „how are our paying customers first finding out about us?“. Right. So you’re being asked that to put together a report. What we might look at here is first touch attribution which is a single touch attribution. And basically, what that does is gives 100 percent of the overall revenue credit to the first touch that they have. Right. So, for Bethany it was that organic search. So, what we’re saying using the first model is that that referral from explorer-Georgia.org. That’s worth 100 percent of the money that she brought in right. So that referral was worth eight hundred dollars to us. That’s what first such attribution is saying. And this is kind of what it’s going to look like. It’s still we’re not quite in beta yet with this. But it should look something like this. Here we have the different colours represent different models. We’re going to look at the purple and four right now which is the first touch model. And what this graph here shows us is that paid social is is the highest revenue driver with first touch right. We can see that here and paid social is driving a lot of their revenue. We can also look at some of the other ones rights organic social. Even though we saw earlier in the traffics report and that organic social was bringing in a lot of traffic we can see here that it’s not really bringing in a lot of revenue. So that kind of gives you another way to look at your traffic. The traffic analytics is looking at how leads find your website whereas with this they’re looking at specifically how customers find your Website. So, traffic analytics is everyone that visits your website. But this is specifically the people who go on to spend money. So, it’s kind of just an additional way to look at it. So, we had an organic social as a point of force when we looked at the analytics report. But with this maybe you know maybe we need to change our strategy up a bit. Or maybe it’s not worth investing that much in if people aren’t actually converting to customers when they when they arrive there. Another interesting thing to look at here is that email and blog are bringing in nothing for first touch attribution. Email makes sense. You wouldn’t expect an email to be the first place legally anyway. You shouldn’t have their email address until they’ve interacted with you in some way so you wouldn’t expect e-mails to drive much here. But blog post that seems like that seems like an opportunity for them right. It seems like a blog post is something that should be able to drive some of the initial interaction with a festival Website. Right. You know they could be sharing interviews with the artist playing and things like that. So, I think that’s a clear point of opportunity for them and something that they can work on. Another question that you might ask in a different way to think about attribution reporting is you know how they’re first finding your Website but maybe you want to know like what specifically is influencing them all along the way. And so, for this you might use full path attribution. Full path attribution looks at the four main touch points that we discussed earlier, the first touch, the lead creation, the deal creation and the closed one. And it says they’re worth 90 percent. That all of those together with 90 percent of the revenue that comes in. And then the remaining 10 percent is for all other touch points. So, with Bethany if you remember we had the first touch was the organic search and then the Facebook ad, the Twitter tweet and the email at the end so they’re all worth 22.5% each or 180$ each. So, this is telling you that Facebook ad for this customer was worth 180$ to you. So, it gives you a specific monetary amount that you could apply to your marketing assets. And then because she also viewed the blog post and we think that probably influenced her in some way as well that gets the remaining 10% or 80$. If she had used two blog posts then the 10% would be split across them so that would be worth 40$ each. So it’s just a way that you can kind of apply money to your marketing assets and rather than just saying you know the sales team brought in X amount of revenue you can say well the marketing team did this or like this specific blog post brought in this amount. So, if we look at this again and in the reporting tool for the full pop model and do that paid social is still on top. Paid social still their biggest driver. Organic social still pretty low. It’s bringing in some when we look at this but it’s still pretty low. So organic social is definitely an area where A3C can change their strategy a little bit. What’s really interesting here is when you look at blog and e-mail and so they brought in zero each with the first touch model but with full path they’ve actually brought in a lot of revenue. So, when you look at more than just how your contacts initially got to your website and you look at everything, they interacted with along the way. You can see that blog and email marketing are actually driving a lot of revenue and you can put an actual figure on it.

So yeah, a summary of attribution reports is you want to know what question you’re trying to answer, which will let you know which model to use. You want to know how a specific channel or asset is performing you can break it down into social or blog and you can you can drill down further into those as well. And it lets you give credit where credit’s due. So, sales teams are great and very important just like you know the person who scored the goal in a football game but they need to get the leads as they need to get the ball. So,, this lets you kind of see that process. And if we apply that to the flywheel again we have two points of force and two points of friction so that they know something to lean into. Before I move on, do you have questions on attribution specifically.

[…] (unaudible question)

The beta is going live next month. So, from the 1st of October if you are an enterprise user, you’ll be able to opt in. It’s gonna be in beta for a while it’s probably not going to launch fully until next year and that’s when we’ll be adding stuff for other tiers as well. So initially it’s just for enterprise users and you’ll be able to opt in from next month. Yeah well I’m sure like whoever you’re in contact with will let you know once it goes life for other tiers as well. Right. So that’s the first two that we’ve looked at. We’ve attract them engage them. We have brought people into the site. We’ve sold them tickets. They’ve gone to the festival. But how do we know if we’re delighting them. So, if we remember from earlier customers trust other customers right. So, the important thing is to get people to have a good time and then to use that, have them share that experience because that’s what pulls other people in.


Tickets and feedback reports in HubSpot


So, two things we can look at here are tickets and feedback reports. So, are many of you using the service Hub in HubSpot? No. Well luckily tickets is also available in the free product so you can still use some of this. So, here’s an example here’s Bethanys’s friend Otis who went to the festival with her. And he’s having a good time. But he tweeted them on the first day of the festival. You know „it’s great but where are the water fountains?“. It’s in Georgia right. The southern US. It’s probably going to be pretty hot. So, the team at A3C. They got this. They tracked it and HubSpot as they use „tickets“ which as I said is available on all the tiers, it’s available for free. Within tickets they add notes and they can talk about what they discussed. They can email or call him directly from here. They can @ mention other users. So maybe there’s a, this is someone sitting in the office but there’s a team on site that can help them out. They can @ mention them and notify them there. So, they track everything in this ticket but maybe you want to report on some of these questions right. These are some of the questions that you have about your ticket. So, like how long are they taking, what are they about. Where are they coming from and who’s answering them. And the way you would answer these questions on tickets is with properties. So, these are some of the ticket properties that you might use for these specific questions: Time to first reply, ticket category, ticket source and ticket owner. And the way we report on these properties is by building a custom report. So, it’s pretty easy to build a custom report. I’m going to go through the six steps here. The first thing you do is you go to any dashboard and you can click „add report“ so it doesn’t need to be. For example, if you’re making a report on a sales thing you don’t need to be on the sales dashboard. From any dashboard you can click and report. “Bericht hinzufügen” I guess in the German version. Add report and then create a custom report. You then choose what you want to report on. So the six things that you can build a custom report on in HubSpot are contacts, companies, deals, activities which is like emails, calls, tasks, things like that, tickets and product. Right so for this example obviously it’s tickets that we want to do. Then you can choose what properties you want to look at here. S,o for this we want to see what our tickets are about. We want to see how many other people are asking about the water so we’re gonna select category. Your support team, who’s lugging these tickets. They select a category when they close it so that you can keep them all categorized. And then you can add some filters. So maybe you only want to look at tickets from this month or you only want to look at tickets from you know your German contacts or something like that. You want to specify it make it smaller you can do that here. For this example, we’re gonna look at all tickets from this year’s festival. So, we look at this years date and then you choose what you want to actually display in the report. So, you’ve set the filters if you want to limit the data that’s being pulled in and then what you set here is what you want to actually see about that data that you’ve pulled in. So, for this example we want to see how many tickets were filed in each category. So, we’re going to do category measure by kind of tickets and what that shows us here is. Amenities had thirty five or so amenities is going to cover things like the water fountains and things like that. So that was our biggest ticket driver here and you can see that here and you can also click in and you can go in and look at the specific tickets under that. But this is just it’s kind of a quick way to build a report and you can see at a glance in that visualization. The metrics that you’ve set here on the side and then you can save the report. You can save it to either an existing dashboard create a new dashboard or if you can just save it to no dashboard and have it just be in your reports list. But critical some reports I think is something that is often a bit intimidating because there are so many properties that you can choose from. But the way to think about it is kind of think about what question you want answered and what information you want to see. So, in this case we wanted to see how many tickets were filed about water. So, categories the thing that we wanted to look at and then we wanted to see it broken down by how many tickets were filed and that and then from there you can filter or you can add additional information. I think one thing that I come across a lot with people struggling with reports or not being able to see the data that they want, is they add too many properties in here or too many data points and so then the report comes out and it’s correct. The information is there but it’s like a mess and you can’t make any sense of it. I think the the best way to approach it is to kind of have one specific question that you want each report to answer and then you know a things slowly until you don’t have a report that’s like all going all different directions because then you can’t really get any actionable information from it. So, we figured out a lot of people were asking about water. So obviously next year we’re going to need to add additional water tops or maybe put some signs up showing where where the tops all right. But how’s Bethany doing. According to Twitter great. She loved it. She had a great time. So, this is clearly an opportunity for us to use her as an advocate and use her to pull in more people next year. We want her to tell her friends what a great time she had and invite them along next year. So how do we quantify this right. This tweet is great but what can we do with it. One thing we can do is look at NPS. NPS, you may be familiar with it. It’s kind of a customer support or customer services industry standard. It’s basically it asks the question. If you follow HubSpot support ticket you’ve definitely seen it before. I’d ask the question „how likely are you to recommend this experience to a friend?“. This is what it looks like when they receive that email. Basically, they choose a number from zero to 10 based on how likely they are to recommend to a friend and then this is what the dashboard looks like in HubSpot. So, we can see the actual NPS score which is promoters which is 9 and 10 minus detractors which is 0 through 6. And you can see the actual score and then you can also see the improvement over time. So, this lets you see how you’re doing kind of at a glance but it also lets you see if there’s any improvement or you know if you see a sudden dip here. What does that correspond with? What change did you make around that time? So, one thing that’s also important is that you can automate based on the NPS. So, what we can do here is say Bethany clicked 10. So, we want to send her an automatic email saying like you know great that you’ve had a great time. Can you please like share your experience in social media or maybe leave us a public review or something like that. You want to take those people who had a really great time and encourage them to go and advocate for your business or to share things publicly. Because as we saw before, that’s when people trust most. Yes, so that’s kind of the the report.

So this is what the report that our HubSpot marketer receive. It’s not. Wouldn’t have tickets about water for example but like something that looks like this where it shows the points of force and friction at each stage of the flywheel. It’s kind of it’s a good thing to look at, on say like I’m a monthly cadence or even quarterly or whatever like. What are the big things that you want to focus on? And obviously depending on your business you’re gonna want to go to more specific and have more specific reports about certain things. But these reports are a good way to get a general overview of the main things that are going really well. And the main things that are areas of improvement. So, it’s a good way to look at it.

A short summary

So, to summarize. Force is good, friction is bad and the flywheel is is what shows you where each is. We have one main report for each of these stages so its traffic analytics for the attract stage. The attribution reporting for the Engage stage and custom ticket reports and feedback for delight. And since I work at HubSpot we have to end on call to action. So, I would recommend that you go and look at your own reports. Not attribution because it is not quite live yet. But the other ones and kind of just start to think about these things in terms of force and friction. In terms of what are the questions that you want to answer when you go into these reports. HubSpot has a lot of useful reports in the reports library. So, if you just go to reports library it has like a navigation at the side broken down by kind of category so like marketing, sales, productivity, things like that. We have a lot of built in reports and from there you can either customize the reports or you can build a custom report like we discussed before. And yeah that’s reporting in the flywheel.