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We design Landing Pages for higher conversions

In online marketing, landing pages often play a key role in various ways and offer a wide range of possibilities for how they can be utilized. The aim is to turn an anonymous landing page visitor into a real person who can be contacted.

Web Development

Our Focus for Landing Page Design

Space Discovery

Interactive Lead Generation

Interactive forms can generate significantly more leads than traditional landing pages. With the tool, we can not only collect leads interactively, but also transfer them directly to your HubSpot portal.


Conversion Tracking

Behind each of our landing pages is a GDPR-compliant web and conversion tracking concept. This allows us to offer traceability for every marketing campaign and a seamless transition to additional web tracking systems like Google Analytics.

Mobile Marketing


Landing pages must work on every device, whether smartphone, tablet or desktop. This is essential, especially due to growing mobile traffic. That's why we always design according to the mobile first principle.

Website Design

Content Marketing

We merge your brand and corporate identity seamlessly into your new landing page. As a result, our landing pages look like a natural part of your website and blend with your branding.

What does our process for Landing Pages look like?

Video Call

Project Introduction and Strategic Planning

Every project is individual. Our landing pages will also look different depending on the target group, current client phase, and channel determined in our initial conversations. We kick off the project with a joint discussion and a launch into the next phases.

Website Maintainence

Landing Page Development

After the initial kickoff calls, we create a first draft in which all parties are highly involved in order to achieve the best possible result.

Website Optimisation

Launch and Full Concept Integration

Once the Landing Page has been completed, it will be placed in the right locations and the data will either be integrated into your existing reporting systems or flow into new tools we have set up.

What makes a good Landing Page?

A specific, targeted, and focused website for each landing page visitor
Uniform branding and consistent page design methods

Responsive design, also for mobile and tablet views


Images and embedded videos (if needed)


Garnering ethos through testimonials and feedback from customers


Eye-catching CTA's and a user-friendly visitor input form
